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  Home > How To Successfully Retail Homebrew Products In Ireland > Cider Making

There are two ways to make cider:
- kit brewing, and
- from apples.

Making cider from apples is not as simple as it might seem. First off, you will need a fruit press to extract the apple juice, and good fruit presses cost hundreds of Euros. Secondly, its a bit of a black art and you may have to spend many hours providing support to customers.

Once again, this leaves kit brewing. Kit brewing requires:
- a cider kit,
- equipment, and
- ingredients.

Kit Brewing Cider Kits
Cider kits come in cans containing various combinations of apple juice concentrate, malt extract, sugar, yeast, preservatives, and instructions. Even this can be daunting as there are dozens of cider kits!

However, some sell and some don't. Fortunately, we are agents for the ones that sell. Magnum Apple cider clocks up many more sales in Ireland that all the other cider kits combined. This is followed by Black Rock Apple Cider (a New Zealand cider).

So we strongly suggest you stock:
- 6 Magnum Apple Cider, ,
- 2 Magnum Elderflower Cider, ,
- 2 Black Rock Apple Cider.
Another compelling reason to stock these is that we can get them to you at the same pricing that UK stores pay for them. In other words, you can be very competitive, or operate at higher margins, or both.

Kit Brewing Equipment
Same as beer, so stock the Coopers Microbrewery Starter Kit (see Beer Making).

Coopers equipment kits require consumers to purchase Coopers Carbonation Drops every time they make a cider. We have found that consumers are delighted to do this in order to achieve a quality cider, even though it adds almost 3 Euros to the cost.

An essential item for all homebrewers is a cleaner/sterilizer. Again, there are dozens of options. But the most popular by far is VWP.

Kit Brewing Ingredients
For cider, all you need are:
- dextrose / brewing sugar, and
- carbonation drops.

Our Retail Packs For 0.5 and 1.0 Meter Displays contain optimum beer solutions depending on your available floor space and budget. The cider kits above fit right in, just like beer kits. So you can add cider kits to the retail pack as long as you add brewing sugar and carbonation drops too.

NB Buying patterns change from location to location. It is critical that you maintain sufficient stocks of the ingredients that go along with the beer kits. For example, if you pick up a Canadian Blonde there is a big sticker on the lid telling you to use it in conjunction with Brew Enhancer 1. So if you are out of BE1, you will probably lose the sale.

The retail packs come with a balanced mix of beer kits and ingredients, but you must make sure that you dont run out of the ingredients that are required to make the beer kits.

Full product details and images can be found on our retalier site: http://homebrewwest.ie

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