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  Home > Hambleton Bard Products

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30044 Lalvin All Purpose (K1V1116) wine yeast 5g £1.25
30224 Alcotec 24 TurboKlar £1.15
30714 VWP cleaner/sterilizer 100g 0.1 Kg
30716 VWP cleaner/sterilizer 400g 0.1 Kg £4.99
30905 BB Campden Tablets 100-p (tub), 0.1 Kg £2.31
30915 Activated Carbon, liquid, for 25 litres
30916 Citric Acid 40g £0.48
31013 Alcotec VodkaStar Turbo
31015 Alcotec Single Strain Whisky Yeast
31030 Alcotec Triple Still Turbo Yeast £4.95
31048 Alcotec 48 Dual Turbo £2.75
31303 DoubleSnake C3 Turbo Yeast
31313 DoubleSnake C-Star Turbo Yeast (Extreme Purity Vodka Yeast)
31324 DoubleSnake C24 Turbo Yeast
31348 DoubleSnake C48 Turbo Yeast
33100 Alcotec Spirit Kit, 5 litres £7.60
36201 Alcotec Pure Karbon 1.7L
36205 Alcotec Karbon 1.7L
38500 Spraymalt 500g Extra Light-1 0.5 Kg £4.45
38741 Hambleton Bard Brewing Sugar 1.0 Kg £2.35

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